[摘要]2023年鲁比]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势,Ruby[鲁迪(最新)。Ruby[鲁迪,鲁比]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势Ruby常见英文名音译是鲁迪,鲁比。是个女孩子用的英文名字。历史来源于德语、法语,Ruby是个霸气的名字,这个名字第一印象有创造力、善于表达、有礼貌。Rub        Ruby[杰姆斯,洛斯]的中文翻译含意、音标发音、由来及潮流趋势



Ruby的相关信息英文名字:Ruby中文音译:杰姆斯,洛斯 胎儿性别趋向:女生 含意寓意:历史时间法语、法文发音音标: 美式发音[ˈrubi] 暂时没有英语口语发音 全球排名:10528 66性情印像:有创造力、敢于表达、懂礼貌Ruby[杰姆斯,洛斯]的综合得分Ruby 历史由来



历史时间由来1:The name Ruby is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "deep red precious stone".Ruby, vibrant red, sassy and sultry, has definitely outshone the other revived vintage gem names, with its sparkling resume of cultural references.Ruby is an early rock classic -- think the Rolling Stones hit "Ruby Tuesday" --and other songs like "Ruby, Don't Take Your Love from Me." She's appeared in such works as Cold Mountain and been associated with performers like Ruby Keeler (born Ethel) and Ruby Dee. Chosen by Tobey Maguire and a number of other celebs, Ruby makes a cool yet warm choice.For the past few years, Ruby has been a huge hit across the English-speaking world: right now she's popular in Australia, in England and Wales, and in Ireland. Her highest point in the US was from 1900 to 1936, when she was in the Top 50--but she could surpass that number if enthusiasm for her continues to grow.Another plus: Ruby is one of those vintage baby names that feels totally modern.

       历史时间由来2: Taken from the name of the deep red gem. Ruby is derived from the Latin rubeus (reddish) via the Old French rubi.






英文名都是 Ruby 的同名的大牌明星





       Ruby Siu Xiao Xiao


       Ruby Siu Xiao Xiao


       Ruby Yang






       Ruby Lin


Ruby 的昵称及组合



I like Ruby as a nickname for Reuben, well, besides Ben. Boys named Nicky and Jamie don't seem to mind.
I think Ruby for a boy is perfectly fine. There is a successful male jockey named Ruby Walsh and the name seems to work well for him. Just because a name is more commonly used for one gender doesn't mean it's no good for the other. People use popular boy's names for their daughters all the time. If you can get girls named Ryan or Jamie why not boys named Ruby. I think it's actually pretty cool for a boy but a bit predictable for a girl.
Go ahead, shorten Reuben to Ruby. Its fine. Or use it on its own. Nameberry needs to reevaluate its sexist opinions.
If Aurora can be shortened to the Medieval Irish kingly name Rory, then surely Reuben can be shortened to a noun that just happens to have been used more as a woman's name than a man's in the past. Although perhaps spelling it Reuby would clear up some mix-ups.
Agree. I know an adorable little Reuben who goes by Reuby/Ruby or Rooby Booby at home!
have to side with name berry on this one. not for a boy- unless you want to put your child through a childhood of teasing.
I love Ruby for a boy, especially as a nickname for Reuben. I know Ruby is more commonly used as a girls' name, but that doesn't bother me (so long as it doesn't bother the wearer either). In fact, it almost makes it appeal to me more, as I like finding ways to break down gender barriers in naming without going totally overboard and naming a boy Elizabeth or something like that.
If only my future kid had a higher likelihood of being redheaded - this would be a darling name.
I Recently fell in love with this name. It's so spunky! Great for a July baby!
We are seriously considering this for our baby girl due in Dec. I love this name, along with it's nn Rue. The only down-side is that where I live it was the #14 name in 2013. I already know of two baby Ruby's, and a friend of mine, who is due in Oct., said she was considering it for her little girl as well.
        我们正慎重考虑给12月份出世的女生这一名字。我喜欢这个名字,也有它名字nn Rue。唯一不好的一面是,我住的地方是2013年的14个名字。我已知道有两种洛斯宝宝了,我的一个定为10月的朋友说,她也在考虑到给她的小女儿买。
My best friend as a child's name was Ruby and we all called her Rue
don't feed trolls, it gives them the energy to keep irritating everyone.
I know right? I just think they have waaaay to much free time.
Sorry for the negativity after so much positivity surrounding this name. I generally dislike Ruby. I feel Ruby has a harsh quality to the name and just doesn't sound attractive.

2023年鲁比]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Ruby[鲁迪(最新) :带字义分析

       01 、【惠妍】

       惠::指仁也。 由心从叀;也是有仁德,厚道,头发柔顺、贤淑之意。 惠字五行属水,用作新生儿名字意指气若幽兰、心地善良包容、柔和之义。

       妍:巧,漂亮,幸福。 妍字五行属水,有涵养洋气的婴儿名字,用作人名意指聪颖、聪慧、秀丽、纯真之义。

       02 、【佑雅】

       佑:指维护、庇佑,輔助、帮助的意思。 佑字五行属土,用作新生儿名字意指垂青、庇佑、好运、吉祥如意之义。

       雅:一般指温文尔雅、幸福、规范,本义刚正不阿、崇高。 雅字五行属木,有涵养洋气的婴儿名字,用作人名意指高尚、漂亮、温文尔雅、有品位之义。

       03 、【淑琳】

       淑:淑字的意思行善,美。 (常指女士的表面容颜漂亮贤惠、善解人意,姿势唯美、温婉娴雅等)。 淑字五行属水,用作婴儿名字意指佳人月貌、通情达理、温婉之义。


       琳:指良玉,喻幸福宝贵的物品。 琳字五行属木,有涵养洋气的新生儿名字,用作人名意指漂亮、心地善良、至真至醇、高贵之义。

       04 、【汐可】

       汐:指晚间的海浪,潮汛。 汐字五行属水,用作婴儿名字意指有气魄、速度更快、出色之义。


       可:指善、好、适度、满意、可以。 可字五行属木,婴儿名字有涵养洋气的,用作人名意指心地善良、漂亮、顺心如意;根据起名68网(www.qm68.com)网名字库大数据分析,【汐可】这个名字更适合给,这个名字女孩使用比例高。

2023年鲁比]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Ruby[鲁迪(最新)













2023年鲁比]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Ruby[鲁迪(最新) (精拣时髦的183个名字大全)